Saturday, March 10, 2007

The "genuine two-in-one", or, the primordial child and the mothering womb: This is the intra-unterine situation, which preceeds the separation situation. "From Chaos came black Night and Erebos./And Night in turn gave birth to Day and Space/Whom she conceived in love to Erebos." Hesiod, Theogony. The intra-uterine world is not divided into species; there is no space of time. Birth is the divisive act; it awakens the giver of names. The separation situation is implied in the intra-unterine situation; the two will become four.

Birth is the polarization of the body of experience; the body of the primordial child and mothering womb is divided into polar opposite parts; the body is electrified. It happens quite suddenly, like a lightning strike, or a big bang. The "genuine two-in-one" is suddenly two genders and two generations associated in polar relationship.

"By conventional arithmetic, one triangle plus one triangle equals two triangles. But in association as left helix and right helix, they form a six-edged tetrahedron of four triangular faces.. This illustrates an interference of two events impinging at both ends of their actions to give us something very fundamental: a tetrahedron, a system, a division of Universe into inside and outside." Buckminster Fuller, Synergetics. 108.o2.
Adam is the first human name giver, the original classifier. The system is the classification of the creatures of the dream; it is the division of the world of experience into species. Species are groups made up of members who share something in common that distinguishes them from other groups. There is nothing in the world of group experience that is not subject to the borders between groups. This systematic classification of experience is the action which confines the experence of the whole body within a system of exclusive boundaries; the trait shared in common is the distinction. Identity is group identity.

What if I receed to the body that exists before Adam is given the power to name, and back further still to the body which contains within it, this God who makes the creatures that Adam names? The God is the primordial child afloat in the mothering womb. The primordial child hallucinates the natural/historical world, as he floats in his mothering womb. The child never acually emerges from the womb anymore than the nucleus emerges from the cell. "The exodus is an intiation; the wandering is a rite of passage, from Troy to New Troy, from England to New England. From the mother to the mother; we are getting nowhere. And the wandering is all in the mother...." Love's Body. 41.

Friday, March 09, 2007

To be able to identify myself; that is the desire that awakens me. I manufacture myself from the chaos of the dream, and it is a Herculean effort not unlike the building of a great pyramid. To identify myself as a particular part in the play, I must divide myself. I am the play, but I can only identify with one part in the play, at any given time/space co-ordinate. It is the conceptual co-ordinate system, that superimposes a play upon the dream. Waking life is an imposition upon the dream.

Measurement is power. Identity is a product of measure; to take measure of the dreaming body is to order it by means of a four dimensional system of co-ordinates. Mother/Father/Son/Daughter constitute the four faces of the system. The difference between genders is the difference between "inside" and "outside;" the difference between generations is the difference between "before" and "after."

It is a hologram and each member of the co-ordinated body, reflects the whole body, that "whole that is greater than the sum of its parts." It is not an ego complex, but always and only, an ego/super-ego complex. I am a family of four.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It is snowing on Harris Creek and very cold, so it pleases me to sit here, within the warmth of the room and the warmth of my body, and write, and maybe smoke a little more reefer, and watch, through the glass, the snow falling on Harris Creek.

The political body is the body in conflict; the conflict is "intestine." The human political body is founded on the fantasy of crime and punishment. The politics of the sun is driven by guilt. The family originates in a crime and its destiny is punishment. All the killing that follows that originating killing is sacrificial; interest on an unpayable debt, "blood payment."

It would appear that among all the other species, the human species is the only one to suffer this fantasy of originating in a killing of the father by the sons, who then divide and eat his body, thereby identifying themselves as the incorporated members of his body. What the members have in common is their crime and its consequent guilt. The history of the species is the attempt at the expiation of guilt. The human species carries the guilt of the origin of species.
Buckminster Fuller found the impediment to clear thinking to be politics, which is to say fantasy. If humans are as Bucky conceives them to be, "local universe technology," then the fantasies of politics, would certainly seem to throw a veil between the technology and the body upon which it operates. This drama between the father and the sons, which is at once, the politics of the west, interferes with technology. It is human fantasy which impedes the realization of the ideal; the ideal being a human free of fantasy, a "local universe technology." "I got no mommy-daddy."

The language of technique, that is to say science and engineering, abstracts the fantasy from the world, leaving a purely technical body. But no human actually lives in it; there is no human experience free of fantasy. The economy of the corporate body is always and only political economy. Mythology and technology begin and end together.

Purification is not the way. The way is dis-incorporation, the untying of knots, the decontruction of the family complex. Some refer to the way as dying.