The "genuine two-in-one", or, the primordial child and the mothering womb: This is the intra-unterine situation, which preceeds the separation situation. "From Chaos came black Night and Erebos./And Night in turn gave birth to Day and Space/Whom she conceived in love to Erebos." Hesiod, Theogony. The intra-uterine world is not divided into species; there is no space of time. Birth is the divisive act; it awakens the giver of names. The separation situation is implied in the intra-unterine situation; the two will become four.
Birth is the polarization of the body of experience; the body of the primordial child and mothering womb is divided into polar opposite parts; the body is electrified. It happens quite suddenly, like a lightning strike, or a big bang. The "genuine two-in-one" is suddenly two genders and two generations associated in polar relationship.
"By conventional arithmetic, one triangle plus one triangle equals two triangles. But in association as left helix and right helix, they form a six-edged tetrahedron of four triangular faces.. This illustrates an interference of two events impinging at both ends of their actions to give us something very fundamental: a tetrahedron, a system, a division of Universe into inside and outside." Buckminster Fuller, Synergetics. 108.o2.
Birth is the polarization of the body of experience; the body of the primordial child and mothering womb is divided into polar opposite parts; the body is electrified. It happens quite suddenly, like a lightning strike, or a big bang. The "genuine two-in-one" is suddenly two genders and two generations associated in polar relationship.
"By conventional arithmetic, one triangle plus one triangle equals two triangles. But in association as left helix and right helix, they form a six-edged tetrahedron of four triangular faces.. This illustrates an interference of two events impinging at both ends of their actions to give us something very fundamental: a tetrahedron, a system, a division of Universe into inside and outside." Buckminster Fuller, Synergetics. 108.o2.