Saturday, March 29, 2008

The political question is, " Are you one of us, or one of them?' If that question is not asked, the body is unpolitical. The minimum number of parts is two; the whole exists only as the relation between the two parts. The whole exists only so long as it is divided into parts; Eros and Thanatos are inseparable; there is no love absent hate. A political body, a genital body arises from the relationship between love and hate. We love us and hate them.

The hidden agenda is to perpetuate the political process of loving and hating. The hidden agenda is not to heal the wound of separation but to perpetuate it. Killing is eating; to be killed is to be eaten. But love is also eating, and being eaten. The active desire to incorporate the other is eating, the passive desire to be incorporated is being eaten. " The hidden truth which makes peace: the identity of the killer and the victim." Love's Body. 164.

You become what you eat. The active partner is passified even as the passive partner is activated; enantiadromea, or this becoming that. It is not difficult to see the symbolic intimacy of killing and loving, but this intimacy is hidden from public view. Morality is at once a veil and motive force; the fantastic idea of victory over sin motivates the action and re-action. Bucky says synergetics means "toward oneness with a minimum of two." To achieve victory over sin is to lose yourself.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How to establish and maintain an identity? Form a symbiotic relationship; find yourself a partner and set-up housekeeping. As long as the house remains intact, I can identify myself; the household protects me from delerium. The glue of the household is the covenant between the partners to identify themselves in common with a missing third part, the whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

It is the nuclear action, or, action/re-action, that maintains the human family. The partners must practice mutual cannibalism to keep themselves together; it is in the exchange of genders and generations that identity is maintained; the operation is a co-operation, a sex exchange. This action/reaction is coitus; "if I become a husband/child and you become a wife/mother, we can seal ourself off from the delirium of all the nobodies."

In relation to the unconscious process, consciousness is imperial, a process of colonization; "Where there was id, ego shall be." The expansion of consciousness is at once a sealing of the border. The war on the ground is an internalization of the war against the unconscious. We have met the enemy, and it is our unconsciousness. Human beings kill each other to keep the light of consciousness alight.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The unconscious process does not reveal any knowledge of objects in a world outside the dream; nor does it reveal any knowledge of an interior dreamer, somewhere behind the scene. The construct of a dreamer and a world in which he awakens is a construction of the conscious process. The latent thoughts upon which the dream process works are products of a secondary process; they can only be discovered upon awakening.

Freud refers to the dream itself, the manifest dream, as wish- fulfillment. The dream process fulfills a wish that could not be fulfilled during the preceeding day, out in the bright light of thought. There are wishes that are fobidden in reality, but fulfilled in the dream; the proof lies sleeping in a bed of thought. A sleeping thinker is inundated by the waters of the unconscious process and even in his/her waking there are breaches in the dike.

Thought is preoccupied with defense, with protecting the home-land, the borders. Thought depends upon certain wishes remaining perpetually unfulfilled. The body which is the immune system depends upon its distinction from the unconscious process. As human experience, the distinction is continuously subject to being swamped in wish-fulfillment. Prepare yourself, gird your loins, against the fulfillment of your desire.