Sunday, April 18, 2010

The family fantasy obfuscates the memory of the birth trauma. Every mother and father are survivors of the catastrophe; they lived through it long enough to reproduce it; the new born infant is the sacrifice to the fantasy. We would not repeat it if the trauma were not hidden. The family body and by extension the collective human body is a substitute for the womb. There is no way back to the original; you must survive long enough to perpetuate the substitute; support your Alma mater.

Step right up; I have what you want. Well not exactly, but we are talking reality here. I can only say it is a fucking good facsimile. Oh yeah, it is temporary; you will need to come back and see me again, and bring some coin. I need a sacrifice to keep the product coming. The real thing is a substitute, but it's the only game in town.

It begins with conception; conception leads to perception; show me the money. The fetus cannot remain in the womb of its conception; it must come out of the water and into the cosmos; the pre-natal situation is the prefiguration, the prehistory. The crime has already been committed, the debt is already due. Birth follows conception like day follows night; "Night is first of all."

A bi-sexual union implies a separation of the sexes; paradise is a crime against the reality principle; separation pays the debt incurred in the original union. It is an entry and embrace that sets the play in motion.


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