Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Oedipus complex is that emotional structure which arises from the confrontation between desire and necessity. The wish cannot be fulfilled in reality; there is always something missing. Frustration is a condition of being real. We sleep and dream periodically so that the frustration does not wear the body out, or, drive it crazy. All of our collective actions and reactions while awake are manifestations of frustration, from the ridiculous to the sublime.

A point of view, or, identity, puts the body in a double-bind; when you finally catch the prey, it devours you. This, Oh Monks, is the matrix within which we live our lives. Is this sobering news or does it drive you to drink? The matrix begins at conception, at the inception of the idea of a "genuine two-in-one," or, a nucleated cell, and it ends where that idea dissolves into the 'body without organs." A point of view is always and only partial; ego consciousness is unconsciousness of the body not divided into parts.

This is what I wrote down this morning, in solitude and softly high on Harris Creek.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The "big lie" begins with the story of Genesis. There is no "creation from the void." The brothers cook-up this lie in the clubhouse; the evidence is contrary. Gregory Bateson says that the story presents a problem in thermodynamics and that the origin is more likely a "fertile egg." The story of Genesis is an "overcode," a "veil of deceit." The brothers hallucinate "father as god" in a "declaration of independence" from "mother-nature." The brothers' intention is to incorporate the body of nature and transform it into a spiritual body, to make it after their own collective image. The story of Genesis is History.

The genesis story, as history, would have us believe that we were born before we were conceived, that the natural bi-sexual body originates in the spiritual body, that History is the origin of Nature. The natural body is a fertile-egg, the historical body is the body born. History begins at birth; at the origin of the "separation situation." The ego-complex is an historical body, a body separated from mother nature.

The separation lies in the space that I must traverse and the time that it takes me to traverse that empty space to reach my point of view. Depth perception is historical perception. For as long as the body does not perceive in depth, the separation does not exist, or, the separation, while implicit, is not yet explicit. The critical technique in all of this is the alphabet.

Monday, July 23, 2007

It was by reading Buckminster Fuller that I came to see that reality is abstract; it is that set of "generalized principles" which constitute a time/space universe. How is it that this genetic code is imposed upon the body of desire? It would seem that the principles or laws are just there, like an immovable object is "there," at that point where it meets the irresistable flow of desire. To experience reality the body must divide itself into "here" and "there," or, "me" and "it." The abstraction is the object, that which is "spat out." The subject arises from the eating.

There is eating and there is being eaten; one eats until the end of time, at which point one is eaten. Even as the subject creates itself in the incorporation of the object, so the subject is being incorporated by the object; "you are what you eat." The object is not outside the body, rather it is the outside of the body. It is the outside of an incorporated body within which the subject is the inside. The objective world is to subjective consciousness as the mother is to the child; mother is matter and the child is always inside a mothering world. "To explore is to penetrate; the world is the insides of mother." Love's Body. 36.

The man is the child and the woman is the mother. Ego consciousness is conceived in the genital relationship between mother and child; matter is to energy as mother is to child. From womb to tomb, round and round we go and if we stop, nobody knows.