Monday, August 24, 2009

The "difference that makes a difference" is the difference between nuclear organization and anuclear processes. The relationship that constitutes the nuclear organism is biunivocal; a nuclear organism is a "genuine two-in-one." The processes that are excluded by the nuclear organism are polyvocal processes. Any system is an immune system and the immunity is from the unorganized many.

The unconscious body is the body unorganized, the "body-without-organs." Procaryotic cells, "the little people of the dream," do not organize themselves. Organizations are built with eucaryotic cells, cells with a nucleus. The nuclear cell is the origin of the species. Time begins when Jonah enters the whale and stays there.

A symbiotic relationship is a biunivocal relationship, a "genuine two-in-one," or, the "whole that is greater than the sum of its parts." When the spirochete enters the protist and stays there, a cosmos is formed within the chaosmos. The unconscious body has no parts, no members, no groups of any kind. It would be more accurate to say that the unconscious is a plurality of bodies and every encounter is consumate; the sex is always promiscuous.