It begins with breathing. "From the point of view of prana, breath, there exists nothing which is not food." Love's Body. 166. Breathing is eating and elimination; incoming and outgoing. I exist as a kind of by-product of the process. I am the man in the middle. First, the "world-mothering air", and then her milk, and then I learn to bite.
This movement, in and out, is coitus; genital intercourse is the form of eating/ being eaten. The mouth and the food are organs of incorporation; you become what you eat even as that which you eat becomes you. The genital body eats itself; autophagy.
There is, oh monks, a last breath; the process is terminal. In taking my last breath I lose consciousness of myself. But this conscious process, this eating/being eaten, this breathing in and out, does not operate in a vacuum. It operates within the other process, the unconscious process. Death is the reimursion of the body of consciousness into the unconscious body, the dissolution of the corporate organization back into "the body without organs."
This movement, in and out, is coitus; genital intercourse is the form of eating/ being eaten. The mouth and the food are organs of incorporation; you become what you eat even as that which you eat becomes you. The genital body eats itself; autophagy.
There is, oh monks, a last breath; the process is terminal. In taking my last breath I lose consciousness of myself. But this conscious process, this eating/being eaten, this breathing in and out, does not operate in a vacuum. It operates within the other process, the unconscious process. Death is the reimursion of the body of consciousness into the unconscious body, the dissolution of the corporate organization back into "the body without organs."