To be able to identify myself; that is the desire that awakens me. I manufacture myself from the chaos of the dream, and it is a Herculean effort not unlike the building of a great pyramid. To identify myself as a particular part in the play, I must divide myself. I am the play, but I can only identify with one part in the play, at any given time/space co-ordinate. It is the conceptual co-ordinate system, that superimposes a play upon the dream. Waking life is an imposition upon the dream.
Measurement is power. Identity is a product of measure; to take measure of the dreaming body is to order it by means of a four dimensional system of co-ordinates. Mother/Father/Son/Daughter constitute the four faces of the system. The difference between genders is the difference between "inside" and "outside;" the difference between generations is the difference between "before" and "after."
It is a hologram and each member of the co-ordinated body, reflects the whole body, that "whole that is greater than the sum of its parts." It is not an ego complex, but always and only, an ego/super-ego complex. I am a family of four.
Measurement is power. Identity is a product of measure; to take measure of the dreaming body is to order it by means of a four dimensional system of co-ordinates. Mother/Father/Son/Daughter constitute the four faces of the system. The difference between genders is the difference between "inside" and "outside;" the difference between generations is the difference between "before" and "after."
It is a hologram and each member of the co-ordinated body, reflects the whole body, that "whole that is greater than the sum of its parts." It is not an ego complex, but always and only, an ego/super-ego complex. I am a family of four.
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