Monday, March 19, 2007

This sensory body, the body that I call my own, the one whose boundary is touch, is the real four-dimensional body of my experience. The skin is an interface between inside and outside. Whatever is outside my skin is in the environment. There are openings in the sensory body, conduits connecting inside and outside, passages for incoming and outgoing. The surfaces of these rabbit holes are intensely sensitive to the movement between inside and outside, to sensations of pleasure/pain. The sensation is a product of the friction. The genital pleasure is the pleasure of friction. The mouth and the anus are genital organs. The digestive tract is that labyrinth through which the environment passes. As the sensory body moves through the environment the environment moves through the body, maintaining an interface, and thus a difference.

There is a profound connection between the genital organs and fantasy; fantasy is tied to erotic pleasure, to the sensation of pleasure that arises in the "erotogenic" zones of the sensory body by means of friction. Freud detected, beneath the hysterical symptom, a repressed wish for erotic satisfaction; the symptom is a substitute. Why would the body repress its own desire for pleasure? The answer is fantastic.


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