Tuesday, March 11, 2008

If we are to take the human as a fantastic animal, which a strict empiricism demands, then human experience is both nuclear and non-nuclear, both conscious and unconscious. The whole body is more inclusive than consciousness perceives. The body of human experience is inclusive of an experience of story ( A fantastic nuclear system ) and dream ( A non-nuclear system ). Story is dream interpretation.

"The processes of the system Ucs are timeless; i.e. they are not ordered temporally, are not altered by the passage of time, in fact bear no relation to time at all. The time-relation also is bound up with the work of the system Cs." Collected Papers, Vol. IV. 119. The space of time is story space.

"With genetic exchange possible only during reproduction, we are locked into our species, our bodies, and our generation. As it is sometimes expressed in technical terms, we trade genes 'vertically' --- through generations --- wheras prokaryotes trade them 'horizontally' --- directly to their neighbors in the same generation. The result is that while genetically fluid bacteria are funtionally immortal, in eukaryotes, sex becomes linked with death." Microcosmos. 93. Sex and death and rock and roll.

The third and fourth dimensions are the same dimension; to percieve depth is to perceive time. A four-dimensional system creates volume, a difference between inside and outside. The difference is a polar difference and time is the polar shift, the charge of desire spiraling inward and outward simultaneously, and in this ambivalence the volume is perpetuated, or, maintained. The human story is four-dimensional.


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