Tuesday, February 19, 2008

In the beginning of life outside the womb, the object of the child's affection is the breast; sucking on it provides both food and pleasure. It is through the action of a part, or, organ of the body that the body of organs returns to the earlier experience of the womb. Whereas, in the womb, the child is passive, in reality the child must engage an organ, to revive the earlier condition. Situated as it is, within the real world, the act provides only a hullucination of the experience of being in the womb itself.

Absent a breast, the mouth has nothing to suck on, and if the mouth has no object, the body is devoured by what surrounds it. In the absence of the womb, the breast is crucial to survival. In other words, the organs of the corporate body, operate to re-create in reality, an artificial womb. In reality, the breast and the mouth, are not parts of one and the same body, but are rather parts of separate bodies made up of separate parts. It is this fact that makes the re-creation an artifice.

The experience of being in a womb must be as close to bliss as a human being can have. Following birth, following the expulsion from the garden, it appears as if the goal is re-create the "genuine two-in-one" from separate parts. The effect is to perpetuate the artifice. In reality, there is no genuine return.


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