Equilibrium is the perfect balance, perfect symmetry. From any particular point of view, equilibium is the void. Points of view arise with asymmentry. The psychosomatic body is always out of balance; some parts of the whole are necessarily repressed; wherever four are gathered, someone has the upper hand. The desire that drives this asymmetrical machinery is the desire to gain the upper hand. " Winning is not everything, winning is the only thing." Vince Lombardi. Winners are healthy, wealthy, and wise; losers are dead.
Our identities arise in an asymmetry of desire, a body of desire that is out of balance, a body of dis-ease. The disease cannot be eliminated without eliminating the doctor and the patient, and it is the distinction that the two draw between themselves, that decieves the psychosomatic body into perpetuating itself. If I knew that there were no difference between the top and the bottom, would I climb the mountain?
It is all a matter of time and time is running out. The human species will die, as surely as I will die. All species will die, all solar systems. So, this psychosomatic body of experience, is not an experience of health, wealth, and wisdom, but rather an experience of health/sickness, wealth/poverty, and wisdom/foolishness. And then it ends. Is there a body in equilibrium?
Our identities arise in an asymmetry of desire, a body of desire that is out of balance, a body of dis-ease. The disease cannot be eliminated without eliminating the doctor and the patient, and it is the distinction that the two draw between themselves, that decieves the psychosomatic body into perpetuating itself. If I knew that there were no difference between the top and the bottom, would I climb the mountain?
It is all a matter of time and time is running out. The human species will die, as surely as I will die. All species will die, all solar systems. So, this psychosomatic body of experience, is not an experience of health, wealth, and wisdom, but rather an experience of health/sickness, wealth/poverty, and wisdom/foolishness. And then it ends. Is there a body in equilibrium?
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