Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Psychoanalysis is the analytic of human fantasy. It attempts a knowledge of human experience. This body of psychoanalytic knowledge is conceived the same way all nuclear bodies are conceived, that is, in the relationship between genders and generations. The necessary elements are mother, son, father, daughter; the human family is a nuclear body; the body of human fantasy. It's all in the family, and therein lies the limit of psychoanalysis.

This relationship between genders and generations is a genital relationship and that is the subject of psychoanalysis. There is never just one subject, the mimimum is two; the man and the woman, the parent and the child, the analyst and the analysand. The human family constitutes the structure of the genitalized body, the nuclear body.

But there is a body without genital organs, a body without a nucleus, an unconscious body. This, of course, is the body that escapes the analysis. It is the body of the "little people", the microbial people, the people of dream. Our night-time dream is not the dream itself, but the dream subjected to the analyst hidden in the darkness, waiting for sunrise.


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