Monday, June 30, 2008

The experience of duplicity is an ego experience. Within the structure that is the ego experience, the minimum is two; the conceiving of time/space is at once the conceiving of fantasy. There are experiences within the ego experience that hint at or suggest the experience of unduplicity. I can see myself rising from the sea of unconsciousness, like a fortified island. My duplicitiouness is protected from the unduplicitous.

Myself and my body constitute a double; we go everywhere together, but we are not indentical. The heart of duplicity lies with the human family; two genders and two generations; inside and outside, and before and after. Each player incorporates the whole family structure; each of us is at a minimum, a family of four. There is me receeding and me emerging; there is me as mister inside and me as missus outside.

I am the person who inhabits the body; I live in it like we both live in this house. Myself and my body find both pleasure and pain in each other; I feel my body's pleasure /pain and it feels my own. I am like a ghost in a house that moves; like a crab swimming. I am the person inside the swimming crab. Myself and my submarine emerge from the water, like an island, or, a mirage.


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