Monday, April 20, 2009

It all depends on a point-of-view. The difference between a good and a bad outcome is the difference of point-of-view. There is never just one point-of-view; the minimum is two. Zero is the fulcrum; the point at which there are no views. The points-of view emerge as positive and negative pairs, as in, +1 and -1. For every profit there is a loss. The idea of profiting all the way to heaven, is fantastic.

To have a point-of-view is to be in debt; a point-of-view is borrowed. My identity is on loan; it will be reclaimed at some as yet inderminant point in the future. The same is true of the body that I move in. To say that identity is borrowed is to say that its duration is finite. "What profit in the gains of the world, if the profiteer, lose his soul?" Something is lost at the beginning; to gain a point- of -view is to lose equilibrium.

Zero is the source and ground of the paired numbers. The unidentifiable is the source of paired indentities; identity is disequilibrius, the scale is always tipped. A positive and a negative point-of-view are irreconcilable. And so it is with the creditor and the debtor; the budget is never actually balanced; somebody always owes somebody. What is missing at ground-zero is the scale.


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