Thursday, November 15, 2007

There is never just one group; the minimum is two. "We" are defined by "them". The desire for union is the desire for division; Eros and Thanatos constitute a "whole that is greater than the sum of its parts." The desire to establish a corporate identity polarizes the body; the integrity of the corporate body depends upon opposition. It is only insofar as you have an enemy that you can identify yourself; love your enemy.

The members of a given group are united but the groups are divided from each other. Peace is the total incorporation of all the groups by one group, genocide. But incorporation is eating and elimination, introjection and projection; as the external enemy is consumed in holocaust, the internal enemy is cast out.

The game, the contest, the war between groups, like psychoanalysis, is interminable, that is, the game is not terminated by victory or loss, but rather perpetuated, until the end of time. It is all a matter of time; time is the game. What is when the game ends?


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