Friday, February 02, 2007

Symbolically speaking, the penis is the nucleus and the vagina is the cell that surrounds or contains the penis. The penis is the part bitten off and retained; genital organization is nuclear organization. The body that I call my own is not a whole body, but rather a part. So my conscious experience is partial. I am not a whole body, but a part, an organ that only constitutes a whole body, in coitus with another part.

The play is the whole body; the players are the parts, who in mutual manducation, perpetuate the play. But there is no experience of the play itself, no experience of wholeness. A corporate body is a legal fiction, defined by the beginning and the end of genital action. The " whole that is greater than the sum of its parts" is never experienced. Genital action reproduces genital action, that is to say, nuclear action is nuclear reaction.

When the story ends the body experiences its wholeness. When the genital action ceases, there are no parts to play; the players and play all disappear. The body is whole unless, or until, it is divided into parts.


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